Bad Situations, Good Vibrations


Had a bit of a disaster on Friday. I was taking pictures for this post and I dropped my camera, which I got for my 18th in February. Luckily my Aunt had insured it and I got a replacement on Saturday morning. Its not the same model, seeing as the one I had was discontinued, but I think its a better camera and it has WiFi capability which is very handy. 

Anyway, last week I received some heels that I'd bought on the Debenhams website in the sale. They're from the J by Jasper Conran collection and I loved them as soon as I saw them. I need to buy an insole for them though because they're a little bit too big, which means I haven't been able to practice walking in them (as I'm practically incapable of walking in heels).

I've made two major discoveries this week. The first being Tomberries. They're basically diddy tomatoes but I think they're really cute. I only got them to try because I'm the only person in the house who will eat tomatoes so a carton of cherry tomatoes normally gets wasted. Enter Tomberries and the problem is eradicated. 

The second thing I've discovered is the Lord of the Rings trilogy. My boyfriend and I have been going to watch them all for the past 3 summers and never got round to it, so I borrowed them from him earlier this week. I don't know why I've never seen them before, they're amazing! I've never read the books, so I don't know how they compare, but as films they had me on the edge of my seat (or bed as it were). I definitely want to go and see The Hobbit when it comes out (and I may need to watch these again before returning them to the boyfriend!) 

I've also decided to keep track of everything I get for when I go to uni. So far I've got 2 pillows, a door hook and a laundry bag, which I love. Its from Urban Outfitters and I got it for a fiver in the sale. I don't remember the original price, but I know it was a bargain! Clearly I need quite a bit more if I'm going to survive in York!

Hoping I Can Write Her A Rhyme, That Might Stop The Tick Of Time

I finally decided which university I'm going to about a week before the UCAS deadline. So after hours of deliberating, I've decided to go to York St John - grades permitting! I only need 240 UCAS points to get in so I'm hoping I'll have done enough. 

My results in March were okay: an A in my History coursework, a B in the Law Special Study exam and another C in the History resit. My lecturer thought I deserved a better grade, but the deadline to appeal had passed.

Since then I've done my final A2 exams, which I hope went well, and now I'm finished college for good - and its great!

Decisions, Decisions

With the UCAS decision deadline looming I've decided to blog again, partially to vent about my own indecisiveness but also so I can look back in the future and (hopefully) think "What was I worried about? [Insert university here] is great!"

So basically, I've got Conditional offers from Sunderland University, Newcastle University, Northumbria University and York St John. I'm still waiting to hear from the University of York but I think I've already decided that I liked some of the others more.

I've still got until 9th May to reply to my offers but I don't know which ones to put as my firm/insurance. I think its either going to be Northumbria/York St John, York St John/Northumbria or Northumbria/Newcastle. But I'll probably change my mind another twenty or so times before I make my final decision!

The next big thing is results day on the 8th D:
Fingers crossed I don't have to resit the Law special study - or the History Women's Suffrage exam for that matter!
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